
zzpatch [ option ... ]
Transforms STDIN to STDOUT.
zzpatch [ option ... ] file-or-dir
Transforms file-or-dir in-place.
zzpatch [ option ... ] file-or-dir new-file-or-dir
Transforms file-or-dir into new-file-or-dir.
zzpatch [ option ... ] file-or-dir ... existing-dir
Transforms file-or-dir ..., creating the output in existing-dir.


File transformation options:

--update glob=update-file [ condition ... ]
Replace the contents of files/archive entries that match glob (see below) with that of the update-file.
--substitute glob pattern replacement [ condition ... ]
Replace all matches of pattern in files/archive entries that match glob (see below) with the replacement string, which supports:

Conditions (see below) apply per match; the parameters of the "--report" and "--iff" conditions are:

The "path" of the file or ZIP entry that contains the match
The matching text
The index of the occurrence within the document, starting at zero
--patch glob patch-file [ condition ... ]
Apply patch-file to all files/archive entries that match glob (see below). patch-file can be in traditional, context or unified diff format.

Conditions (see below) apply per match; the parameters of the "--report" and "--iff" conditions are:

The "path" of the file or ZIP entry being patched
The hunks being applied
The index of the current hunk
The line number where the hunk starts
--remove glob [ condition ... ]
Remove all files/archive entries that match glob (see below).
--rename glob [ condition ... ]
Rename files/archive entries according to glob (see below), e.g. "(*).c=$1.c.orig". Multiple "--rename" options are applied in the given order.
--add glob name contents-file [ condition ... ]
To all directories and archives that match glob, add a member/entry name, and fill it from contents-file.

File transformation conditions:

These control the preceding file transformation.

--report expr
Evaluate and print the expr each time the preceding file transformation is executed, e.g. "path + ": Add '" + name + "' from '" + contentsFile + "'"". The parameters of the expr depend on the file transformation (see above).
--iff expr
Execute the preceding file transformation only iff expr evaluates to true. The parameters of the expr depend on the file transformation (see above).
--assert-count n
Assert that exactly n updates/substitution replacements/patch hunks/removals/renamings/additions were executed; otherwise exit with status 2.

File processing options:

--look-into format-glob:path-glob
Look into compressed and archive contents if the format and the path match the glob. The default is to look into any recognised archive or compressed contents.
Supported archive formats in this runtime configuration are:
Supported compression formats in this runtime configuration are:
By default directory members are processed in lexicographical sequence to achieve deterministic results.
--patch-file-encoding charset
Encoding of patch files (only relevant for "--patch"); the default is "${file.encoding}".
Do not create or modify any files; exit with status 1 if this is an in-place transformation, and at least one of the files would be changed.

"--check --verbose" also prints the path of the first file or archive entry that would be changed.

"--check --verbose --keep-going" prints the pathes of all files and archive entries that would be changed.

Before modifying a file, check whether the change is redundant, i.e. yields an identical result. Could improve performance if few or no files are actually modified.
If existing files would be overwritten, keep copies of the originals.
--input-encoding charset
Encoding of input files (only relevant for "--substitute" and "--patch"); the default is "${file.encoding}".
--output-encoding charset
Encoding of output files (only relevant for "--substitute" and "--patch"); the default is "${file.encoding}".
--encoding charset
All of "--patch-file-encoding", "--input-encoding" and "--output-encoding".

General options:

Print this text and terminate.
Print error and continue with next file.
Compression level of zip archive entries.
--7z-input-file-password value
Password to decrypt password-protected 7ZIP input files. (Encryption of 7ZIP output files is not supported.)
--zip-input-file-password value
Password to decrypt password-protected zip archive entries.
--zip-output-file-password value
Password to encrypt password-protected zip archive entries (sets encryption method to ZIP_STANDARD).
--password value
All of the above.
--zip-output-file-encryption-method NONE|ZIP_STANDARD|ZIP_STANDARD_VARIANT_STRONG|AES
Method to encrypt password-protected zip archive entries.
Suppress all messages except errors.
Suppress normal output.
Print verbose messages.
Print verbose and debug messages.
--log level:logger:handler:formatter:format
Add logging at level FINE on logger "de.unkrig" to STDERR using the "FormatFormatter" and "SIMPLE" format, or the given arguments, which are all optional.


Check the descriptions of wildcards, includes / excludes and replacements.


File "file" in directory "dir"
Compressed file "file.gz"!dir/file
Entry "dir/file" in archive file "dir/"
Entry "dir/file" in the compressed archive file "file.tar.gz"
File "x" in an immediate subdirectory
File "x" in any subdirectory
File "x" in any subdirectory, or any entry "**/x" in any archive file in any subdirectory
File "a" and entry "dir/b" in archive file "dir/file.7z"
Files that don't end with ".c"
Files that don't end with ".c" or ".h"
"foo.c" plus all files that don't end with ".c" or ".h"

Regular expressions and replacements

For the precise description of the supported regular-expression constructs, see here.

For the precise description of the replacement format, see here.


For the precise description of the supported expression constructs, see here.