A command line utility to find files, directories and archive entries by various criteria, and optionally execute some actions.


zzfind [ option ] ... file-or-dir ... [ expression ]
Apply "expression" to "file-or-dir ..." and all nested directory members, archive entries and compressed files.

File name "-" stands for STDIN.


Print this text and terminate.
Print the tool version and terminate.
--look-into format-glob:path-glob
Look into compressed and archive contents if the format and the path match the globs. The default is to look into any recognised archive or compressed contents.
Supported archive formats in this runtime configuration are:
Supported compression formats in this runtime configuration are:
Process each directory's contents before the directory itself, and each archive's entries before the archive itself, and each compressed contents before the enclosing file or archive entry.
--min-depth levels
Do not apply any tests or actions at levels less than levels. E.g. "1" means "process all files except the top level files".
--max-depth levels
Descend at most levels of directories below the top level files and directories. "0" means "only apply the tests and actions to the top level files and directories".

If in doubt, try:

zzfind ... -print -echo ${depth}
--7z-input-file-password value
Password to decrypt password-protected 7ZIP input files.
--zip-input-file-password value
Password to decrypt password-protected zip archive entries.
--password value
All of the above.
Suppress all messages except errors.
Suppress normal output.
Print verbose messages.
Print verbose and debug messages.
--log level:logger:handler:formatter:format
Add logging at level FINE on logger "de.unkrig" to STDERR using the "FormatFormatter" and "SIMPLE" format, or the given arguments, which are all optional.
(These are no longer supported; use "--look-into" instead.)


Expressions evaluate to a boolean value. An expression is either a test, or an action (a test with side effects), or a combination of multiple subexpressions through operators.


-name glob
Name matches "glob" (see below).
-path glob
The full path (e.g. "dir/file.zip!dir/file.zip!dir/file" or "dir/file") matches "glob" (see below).
-type glob
Whether the type matches the glob. See the "type" property, described below. If you are unsure about types, run zzfind with -echo "${type} ${path}" first.
Whether this file is readable.
Whether this file is writable.
Whether this file is executable.
-size N
-size -N
-size +N
Whether the size is exactly/less than/more than N (e.g. "100", "-1K", "+10M").
-mtime N
-mtime +N
-mtime -N
Whether this file/archive entry was last modified (exactly/more than/less than) N days ago (N=0: 0...24h, N=1: 24...48h, ...).
-mmin N
-mmin +N
-mmin -N
Whether this file/archive entry was last modified (exactly/more than/less than) N minutes ago (N=0: 0...59sec, N=1: 60...119sec, ...).


Print file path and return true.
-echo message
Print the message and return true. All occurrences of "${property-name}" in the message are replaced with the value of the property. For the list of supported properties, see section "Properties of files and archive entries", below.
-printf format expr ... ;
Generate a message, print it, and return true. The format is the same as for Java's java.util.Formatter, and the expressions support a Java-like syntax and can use all properties. For the list of supported properties, see section "Properties of files and archive entries", below.
'%c%c%c%c %10d %6$tF %6$tT %7$s'
"type == 'directory' ? 'd' : type =* 'archive-*' ? 'a' : type == 'directory-entry' ? 'D' : '-'"
"readable ? 'r' : '-'"
"writable ? 'w' : '-'"
"executable ? 'x' : '-'"
is equivalent with "-ls".
Print file type (one of "daD-"), readability, writability, executability, size, modification time and path, and return true. The size is zero for directories and directory entries, and -1 if unknown (e.g. for archive streams).
-exec word... ;
Execute "word..." as an external command; "{}" is replaced with the current file's path (which may contain "!" and would then NOT denote a physical file in the file system).
-pipe word... ;
Copy the file contents to the standard input of an external command "word..."; "{}" is replaced with the current file's path (which may contain "!" and would then NOT denote a physical file in the file system).
Print file contents and return true.
-copy [ --mkdirs | -p ] tofile
Copy file contents to the named file. All occurrences of "${property-name}" in the tofile are replaced with the value of the property. For the list of supported properties, see section "Properties of files and archive entries", below.
--mkdirs (or -p) Silently create any missing directory.
-disassemble [ -verbose ] [ -sourceDirectory dir ] [ -hideLines ] [ -hideVars ] [ -symbolicLabels ] [ -toFile file ]
Disassembles a Java class file (by default to STDOUT).
-java-class-file expr
Parses the Java class file, evaluates the given expression (where parameter "cf" represents the de.unkrig.jdisasm.ClassFile) and prints the result on stdout; example: "-java-class-file cf.javaVersion"
-digest algorithm
Calculate a "message digest" of the contents, print it and return true.
Algorithms available in this environment are: ${digest.providers}
-checksum CRC32|ADLER32
Calculate a checksum of the contents, print it and return true.
Return true.
Return false.
Return true. If the file is a directory, do not descend into it.
Delete file; returns true if removal succeeded. If the removal failed, an error message is issued. If you want to delete directories, also configure the --descendants-first option, for otherwise the directory is first deleted, and then traversed, which cannot possibly work.

If no action is given, then "-print" is implicitly added.


(In descending precedence.)

( exp )
Whether exp is true.
-not exp
! exp
Whether exp is false.
exp1 -a exp2
exp1 -and exp2
exp1 '&&' exp2
exp1 exp2
Whether both exp1 and exp2 are true. exp2 is not evaluated if exp1 is false.
exp1 -o exp2
exp1 -or exp2
exp1 '||' exp2
Whether exp1 or exp2 is true. exp2 is not evaluated if exp1 is true.
exp1 , exp2
Evaluates both expressions and returns the result of exp2.

Properties of files and archive entries

Various tests and actions (e.g. "-echo") have access to a set of "variables" related to the current file or archive entry.

For types "archive-*": The raw ArchiveEntry object, which has archive-format-specific subproperties. Use archiveEntry._properties to get a list of all accessible properties.
For all other types: Empty.
For types "archive-contents", "archive-file" and "archive-xxx-resource": The format.
For types "normal-contents", "compressed-contents" and "directory-entry": The format of the immediately enclosing archive.
For all other types: Empty.
For types "compressed-contents", "compressed-file" and "compressed-xxx-resource": The format.
For type "normal-contents", "compressed-contents" and "directory-entry": The format of the immediately enclosing compressed contents.
For all other types: Empty.
For archive entries: The compression method that was used. Only some of the archive formats provide this information, namely "zip" and "7z".
For types "normal-contents" and "normal-file": The CRC32 checksum of the contents.
For all other types: Empty.
Zero for the files/directories specified on the command line, +1 for files/directories in a subdirectory, +1 for compressed content, and +1 for the entries of archive files.
For types "archive-file", "compressed-file", "directory" and "normal-file": The java.util.File object related to the current file or directory entry. It has the following properties, which can be addressed like file.name: canExecute, canRead, canWrite, exists, absoluteFile, absolutePath, canonicalFile, canonicalPath, name, parent, parentFile, path, isDirectory, isFile, isHidden, lastModified, length, toURI.
"lastModified" (milliseconds since 1970),
"lastModifiedDate" (Date object):
For types "archive-file", "compressed-file", "directory" and "normal-file": The date and time of the last modification of the file.
For types "archive-xxx-resource", "compressed-xxx-resource" and "normal-xxx-resource": The the modification time of the addressed resource.
For types "archive-contents", "compressed-contents", "directory-entry" and "normal-contents": The the modification time stored in the archive entry.
The last component of a directory or file name, or the name of an archive entry (which may contain slashes!).
The path to the resources as it was found, starting with the file-or-dir on the command line. "!" indicates an archive, "%" a compressed file.
The size, in bytes, for types "archive", "archive-file", "archive-xxx-resource", "compressed-contents", "compressed-file", "compressed-xxx-resource", "file" or "normal-contents", -1 for type "directory-entry", and 0 for type "directory".
The "type" of the current subject; the actual types are:
A directory
A plain file
Plain content in an archive or a compressed file
normal-xxx-resource (e.g. xxx="http")
Plain content addressed by a URL
An archive file
A nested archive
archive-xxx-resource (e.g. xxx="http")
An archive addressed by a URL
A compressed file
Nested compressed content
compressed-xxx-resource (e.g. xxx="http")
Compressed content addressed by a URL
A "directory entry" in an archive.
For types "normal-xxx-resource", "archive-xxx-resource" and "compressed-xxx-resource": The URL that addresses the resource.

Example globs

File "file" in directory "dir"
Compressed file "file.gz"
Entry "dir/file" in archive file "dir/file.zip"
Entry "dir/file" in the compressed archive file "file.tar.gz"
File "x" in an immediate subdirectory
File "x" in any subdirectory
File "x" in any subdirectory, or any entry "**/x" in any archive file in any subdirectory
File "a" and entry "dir/b" in archive file "dir/file.7z"
Files that don't end with ".c"
Files that don't end with ".c" or ".h"
"foo.c" plus all files that don't end with ".c" or ".h"